Tuesday, March 10, 2009

US failing in Afghanistan: Iran

TEHERAN - Iran said on Monday the United States was failing in Afghanistan and that a new approach was needed, four days after Washington said it would invite Tehran to an international conference to discuss its neighbour, according to the Khaleej Times.Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki did not say whether Iran would accept the US invitation to this month’s planned meeting on Afghanistan, a swift overture toward Tehran by the new administration of US President Barack Obama.Iran’s government spokesman said on Saturday the Islamic Republic would consider such an invitation and that it was ready to help Afghanistan as it battles a growing Taliban insurgency.Iran and the United States have not had diplomatic ties for three decades and are now embroiled in a dispute over Tehran’s nuclear programme, which the West suspects is aimed at making bombs. Iran says it is for peaceful power purposes. But the two foes share an interest in ensuring a stable Afghanistan, analysts say.Mottaki said the United States came to Afghanistan saying it would root out extremism, restore security and fight drugs. “All indicators in regard to these three areas show that the conditions have deteriorated sharply,” he told state television.Washington had indicated it needed a new direction but Tehran did not know how US policies in Afghanistan would change, he said.

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