Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Country not Zardari's fiefdom: Nawaz
ISLAMABAD (Agencies) - Chief of PML-N Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif said on Monday that President Asif Ali Zardari has deceived them in the name of reconciliation.Addressing a massive gathering at Jehlum, he said President Zardari has sent Asfandyar Wali Khan and Maulana Fazl-ur-Rehman for creating the atmosphere of reconciliation between the government and PML-N, but ultimately he spoiled the efforts and announced that PPP would fight against them.He told the President Zardari that neither Pakistan was his own property nor the judiciary belonged to him. He said, “Pakistan is not a fiefdom of Asif Zardari and it is country of 160 million people and the country cannot be left at the mercy of Asif Zardari”, adding that not only President Zardari but also the whole nation who had the rights, which were to be respected.Nawaz also said they would not leave Pakistan at the mercy of President Zardari.He said there is bloodshed and bombing everywhere in the country while President Zardari has no time except dissolving assemblies, which is not a good sign for democracy.Pointing out to a recent survey, he claimed that 58 percent workers of PPP showed their opposition to the Supreme Court decision and also termed the Governor Rule as unlawful. “When your own people oppose you then what would you say about 160 million people of the country”, he exclaimed.He said the verdict against them had given by a fake judiciary, which enjoyed no respect. He said the people would throw the PCO judges out of the court by force.

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