Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Illuminations, rallies to celebrate Milad today

ISLAMABAD- Eid Milad-un-Nabi is being observed across the country with religious enthusiasm today (Tuesday).The government has declared public holiday to celebrate the event. Religious and social organisations have organised different programmes to celebrate the event. Seerat conferences are being arranged besides Na’at and Quran reciting competitions. Different rallies and gatherings will also take place on the occasion.The Ministry of Religious Affairs has planned a one-day National Seerat Conference in the federal capital, which would be chaired by Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani. Eminent Ulema and scholars across the country would attend the conference and present their articles and thoughts on the Seerat of the Holy Prophet (SAW). Milad committees and other factions of the society would play active role in the connection to make the event historic. Special Seerat banners and illuminations on public buildings throughout the country would be arranged. Alternative traffic plan in big cities of the country has prepared to avoid any inconvenience.Meanwhile, the capital police have finalised security arrangements in the federal capital for Eid Milad-un-Nabi(SAW) procession being taken out today (Tuesday).

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