Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Three-Tier Security For Ajmal Kasab

Mumbai: The Arthur Road Jail here is being fortified with three security rings to keep Mohammed Ajmal Amir alias Kasab, the sole 26/11 terrorist captured alive, safe from potential attackers, Maharashtra Minister of State for Home Naseem Khan said Tuesday.
“A crack team of the Mumbai Police will guard the outer periphery of the jail while the ITBP (Indo-Tibetan Border Police) will guard the precincts inside. The core area where Kasab is lodged will be guarded by the jail’s own security set-up.
All parts of the jail will be monitored by cameras, some of which will be hidden. The images will be relayed to a central control room being manned by security officials, he added.Barriers of different types, including reinforced steel-concrete walls that can resist bombs, grenades and rapid fire weapons, are being erected for the first time inside the 84-year-old jail, making it among the most secure prisons in the country, a police official said.
Kasab, along with nine other terrorists, embarked on a killing spree here Nov 26, 2008 that lasted nearly 60 hours. Over 170 people lost their lives in the carnage.
He is lodged in the famous “anda cell” - called so because it is oval in shape - which is usually reserved for the most notorious criminals

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