Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Security in Karachi Beefed Up

KARACHI: Strict security measures have been taken in Karachi in connection with Eid Milad-un-Nabi (S.A.W.W) while provincial government claimed; it has put police and rangers on high alert besides deploying additional troops in major areas in metropolis.
According to SSP Security Maqsood Ahmed more than 10,000 police and rangers personnel have been deployed around various rallies, gatherings and processions on the eve of Eid Milad here.
Walk through security gates have been installed at both entrances of Nishtar Park besides covering it from all around where the massive public rally is expected to gather on Monday evening, he added.
“Many CCTV cameras have also been installed on which people will remain under constant monitoring. Plain clothed police personnel have been placed throughout park while all and sundry will be allowed to enter after a thorough search by latest search equipments”, he maintained.
Maqsood Ahmed underscored that the city government will assist police in security efforts via its Command and Control rooms and added, “The rallies will get bomb disposable squads and spy dogs’ clearance”.

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